Thursday, June 21, 2012

Last Day Internship..wehuuu!!..:)..

assalamualaikum w.b.t..

   wow lama giloss xjenguk blog ni haa..last entry pun 2 years ago..hewhew..malas nak tulis2 ni actually padahal byk je mende nak cite kat sume..haishh kan best if my thoughts can magically write itself down in my blog..haha..hidup mau senang je kan..harus la kan..but of coz we all knew da truth kan..mana de rezeki jatuh bergolek2 kan cam bola bowling tu..tu pun selalu masuk longkang ja..tsk tsk..bilo nak strike ntah..bley kira ngn jari je brapa kali ak strike seumur hidup ak yg dh 23thn 4 bln ni..pfffttt..mak ai umor dh bley nikah di haa..cehh xdok kijo cite psl kawen..merepeks kerepeks lg..wuuu..padahal thesis xsiap2 lg haa..time2 kne siapkan report time tu la de mood nk melawat blogku syg ni..typical me..;p..neway nk cite ni nak cite ni..

  oleh kerana hari ni last day ak wat Internship kat company ni oleh itu ak rasa sj nak update blog ni psl pe cer ngn ak spjg 2 thn tak update ni..mcm2 dh jd u'olls!..dari yg baik ke xbrapa baik, dr jahat jd baik (tipuu!)..dr minat SuJu (Super Junior if u dun already know..) smpai minat adik2 comel n nakals Teen Top (padahal dok kutuk2 dulus)..biasa la dr benci lahir kasih syg kan..ahaks!..hehe still peminat K-Pop ye chawans2..even xla obsess giloss cam sesetengah fans tu..xdok kijo depa tuh dok pi stalk idol depa..get a life!..*stock forever alone tu..-__-*..hehe tp tq gak kat depa coz i got lots of info bout me idols..wink wink..
merepek lagi..adehhh....

   neway, after abis intern ni nk kne siapkn report la, VIVA la (presentation cam ETR dulu tuu..owh my Satay House..;)..) then da best part is..wait for it..da best part is..wait wait..isss...BALIK KEDAH!!..wehuuu...haha igtkan pe la mmg best ponnn!!..balik umah sndiri is da best place on earth..Heaven ok!..can't wait to meet my parents n adik n love me family so much..well bak kata org kalo  dlm susah sapa lg kan nk tlg kita kalo bukan famili gak..*situasi ini kujumpa time intern ni..saksi depan mata sndiri ok*..Family is the best Medicine..syukur alhamdulillah sy masih ada family to go home to..hmm tpi kan after posa n raya sume n dpt lesen moto (hope so..takut la nak naik motor ni..arghh!..dh 3thn xabis lg amik lesen ni..padahal lesen kete dh dpt lamo dh..:/..)..nak watpe ye?..shud i look for a job?..or further my Masters je (opss lupa nk kabo me de interview Masters isnin ni..adehh..takut la!..mesti die tnye awat nak smbung master? awat xmo keje dlu?bla bla bla..)aishh lantak pi kat ak la duit ak..haha how rude!..aishh dh abih degree pun still kne wat decision making process..tehehe harus la nok!..*merepeks x100 dh ni*..;p..

   hmm dh la la plak nk tulih lg..kijo eden xsiap lg ni cer la..malaas btui..nk abis degree pun dok malas lg..adehh dats 1 thing dat cannot change huh?..tehehe..alasannnn suma tu!..ok la tak sabaq nak abis VIVA n anta final report..doakan sy dan kwn2 berjaya ye..^_^V..amin..
Kwn2ku dulu,kini &selamanya..amin.gud luck girls for the future!..:)..tq for everything (haha la xjumpa lg..hehe)..

Thursday, June 10, 2010

yup it's OFFICIAL folks!!..DIPLOMA E.N.D..:)..but..:(..


br je check result td..pnya la payah gile nk msuk..ad0yai..haha n0rmal la tu kn..s0 ak check kt mini trnskrip je la..

my GPA alhamdulillah..never frustrates me for da past 3 sems..:)..s0 i did better for sem 6 than sem 5..i'm glad it turns out ok..eventhough Selling dpt B+..haha kinda expect dat c0z time exam tu ak blur c0z soklan dia cam s**t..huhu..eventhough ak dpt dekan for 3 sems but still cam frusts gile coz cgpa xdpt 3.5 ab0ve..rasa cm nak mencarut je!!..arghh!!!..:(..

sadly and very frustrating is dat lg 0.o1 k nk dpt 3.5..geram gile!!..i let myself d0wn again & again & again..da m0ment i saw da result i juz knew it..dis stuff always happens 2 me..f**k it!!..

huhu xtau la nk wat apa lg..wuts d0ne is d0ne rite??..juz hav to accept it bla bla bla..i kn0w da drill but easier said than done..i think my parents r a bit dissap0inted..huhu i think i should've left da cgpa part....:(..but they still l0ve me n0 matter wut s0 i'm ok i guess..

hmm let byg0nes be byg0nes..i'd d0ne my best & dats all dat matters..can't wait to further my studies..wish me luck k!!..:)..

Monday, August 3, 2009

..s0b s0b..:(

ha ni ak post benda yg dh lma ak tulih time cuti sem ritu..cuma xreti2 nk g publish..hehe..baca la ni..yesterday's news (mksdnyer cite dh lama..basi..h0h0..) kna baca gak!! ak tulih 22.06.09..coz tgh boring thp gaban..:(

I juz wanna spend sum time wif my old it to hard for them to do??..dun they miss me??..i know I do..or do they hate me??..da last time I check, why is it so hard for them to reply my msg??..well maybe they dun hav credit??..or not in the mood??..coz da fren i'm texting mybe upset coz she didn't get any offer to further her studies maybe??..i dunno..but I juz feel so down rite now..honestly I dun hav frens here in my hometown..they are my schoolmates but not da best of frens..huhu..i feel so lonely..i could think of only one fren who lives not so near my house..but not so far..i juz want to ask her to go to CC with me..i'm bored goin' there alone all da time..i'm's juz a simple request..i juz wanna go there wif my frens..wanna chitchat about old times or anything..i need sum1 to talk to..i've been locked up most of da time at home coz I hav no one to go out wif..i'm juz feeling miserable rite now..wanna cry!! bestest frens are so far frens from highskool and Uni..miss them s0 much!!...hope they miss me too..

Thursday, May 7, 2009


ad0yai..dh abes dh exam..hehe..kejap je rupanya.. adeh..exam td ntah la..dh la ngantuk, d0k plak btul2 bwh air-c0nd, s0klan agk payah gitu, pening pala ak..h0h0..xm0 dh pk..melainkn berkata pd diri sndiri "Pdn Muka!! Sapa suh men2 study?!" (kemudian mengetuk pala sndiri wif my fist..haha..;p)..beng0ng seketika..

wuteva la..i giv my all..n0w juz Tawakal je pd yg Maha Esa..Amin..

ak sgt2 brhrp dat my result would improve much better than last sem..plez3x..lg skit je..

neway skrg dh kul 2 lbey but i still haven't pack my things yet..ish3..typical Mar..;p

abah dtg amik cam biasa la..kul 5lbey2 nk blk awl..nk 0n9 puas2 dlu.. lgpn umah tgh nk jmpa abg2 ind0n je..they're very efficient really..wat keje cpt n kms tul..tetiba tringat tajuk speaking muet smlm..FOREIGN WORKERS..hehe..ak insert cth umah ak skali smlm..ada gak la benda ak nk bebel..alhamdulillah i did well ystrday 4 muet..dpt la ak brcuti d umah ngan tenang skit..

ok2..bateri laptop dh nazak seh..alahai mls nk xpe..nk g kms brg..selerak bilik ak..r0omateku awl2 lg dh kms..smgt tul nk blk..bgs2..c u all nxt time!! (bile ntah nk 0n9 lg?..huhu..)

alahai..rindu kwn2 ak nnti..see u nxt sem!!;p

PR OH PR..;)

aku tgh serius studi la sgt

sengih pe nih??

haha..tu ar..kalut dok studi..dh bg masa byk tp dok buang masa baca blog org len..heheh (new hobby c0urtesy 0f Nnena..h0h0..) xsmpai 24jam lg nk exam..mampuih ar ak cmni..takut si0t nk amik exam PR..ish2..cmna nih??ad0yai..:(..

xpe2..kite chillex dlu smbil tgk pics kwn2 ak yg seangktan ngan aku..d0k kalut study gak..pdn muka kita..last minute gurls..(jnji bley jwb sudeh..0rait!!;p..)

Nnena ni study ke angan2??

pewitt back!!

ini bkn Tyra Jaim..;p

pinkynye Myra

huhu..pening pala ak studi..dh la bgn awl g Speaking MUET..ish2..perut ak pn d0k nyanyi lagu Keroncong buat Mar..h0h0..nih ada 1 pic lg..hehe..(dh la study xabeh2 lg..dok cbuk tngkp gmbo je..ad0yai..;p)

inovatif tul kwn ak sorang nih..drpd k0s0ng je rak buku tuh..(smpai berabuk la..uhuk2..)..lbey bek 'parking' kasut kita kt d0k?..;p

hmm..tu je la setakat ni..nk p study oii..adeh..gud luck la kpd ak n kwn2 ntuk mengabihkan study mlm ni..(dh la paper pagi2 buta..huhu..)..

p/s : can't wait 2 g0 h0me 2mrr0w!! yeay..;p

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

help me!!..:(

arghh!! 24 hours left b4 i hav 2 sit for my MUET Speaking Test..dude diz stress is killin' me..huhu..can any1 help me get thr0ugh diz?! i guess n0t..:(..
i juz hav 2 believe in myself..i'm s0 nerv0us i c0uld thr0w up..0h dear g0d plez giv me da strength dat i needed (n h0pe i will c0me up wif gud p0ints 2 talk ab0ut..hehe..)
i hav 1 exam paper left but i cann0t c0ncentrate 0n dat c0z i w0rried b0ut MUET..y d0 they hav 2 be on exam week as well?!:(..
my exam is 0n friday m0rning..n i haven't finish studyin' yet (like a l0t m0re 2 c0ver..)..n then y am i still bl0gging?! haha..juz to chill a bit..
g0sh..i'm feel s0 f**k up rite n0w..u can't imagine h0w i'm feelin'..
dunn0 wut 2 babble anym0re..want 2 go n chillex a bit..(again?..haha)..
peace 0ut..;p

p/s: wish me well dear fwens!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

my fav. band (current)..;)

Hey MTV generation!!hehe..i wanna talk 'bout my current fav. Band..(drumr0ll pls..heh)..The Academy is..i 1st heard their s0ng (can u guess where? Yup MTV 0f c0z!!duh..;p) Summer Hair=Forever Young..i thought dat w0w it's g0t a c0ol name 4 a s0ng..i watched da vclip n 1st thing dat I n0ticed is that (gasp!) da CUTE v0calist 0f c0z!! g0sh i'm like he's g0t da cutest smile ever! Seri0usly..i'm like smitten in fr0nt of da telly..haha..;p..

Summer Hair = Forever Young

We're crashing cars we used to share
With summer girls
With summer hair
We're driving around chasing the stars
But the party's busted up
Before it ever starts

I'll never let you go
Don't ever forget
Tell me you'll remember
Forever young
I'll never let you fall
It's not over yet
You and me forever
Forever young
We're forever young

Stop making plans, start making sense
Don't you believe any word they said
Sparked up, sparked up like a book of matches
Falling through the night
And rising from the ashes

I'll never let you go
Don't ever forget
Tell me you'll remember
Forever young
I'll never let you fall
It's not over yet
You and me forever
Forever young
We're forever young

Don't come any closer
Don't tell me it's over
Don't kiss me goodbye
Here we are, am I taking this too hard?
Don't say that it's easy
The hardest part is leaving
Don't you wonder why...
Suddenly, we're all running out of time

I'll never let you go
Don't ever forget
Tell me you'll remember
Forever young
I'll never let you fall
It's not over yet
You and me forever
Forever young
We're forever young
We're forever young
We're forever young

i heard it a couple of times n fell in luv wif dat s0ng..such a great hit..luving it s0 much..g0tta say dat it is my fav. Of all their tracks..if any0ne wh0 happens 2 read dis n is 0ne of the band's fan juz like me pls leave any c0mment 'b0ut da's nice 2 kn0w other peeps wh0 ad0res them like I d0..but any0ne is welc0me 2 c0mment t0o 0f c0z..;)