Wednesday, May 6, 2009

help me!!..:(

arghh!! 24 hours left b4 i hav 2 sit for my MUET Speaking Test..dude diz stress is killin' me..huhu..can any1 help me get thr0ugh diz?! i guess n0t..:(..
i juz hav 2 believe in myself..i'm s0 nerv0us i c0uld thr0w up..0h dear g0d plez giv me da strength dat i needed (n h0pe i will c0me up wif gud p0ints 2 talk ab0ut..hehe..)
i hav 1 exam paper left but i cann0t c0ncentrate 0n dat c0z i w0rried b0ut MUET..y d0 they hav 2 be on exam week as well?!:(..
my exam is 0n friday m0rning..n i haven't finish studyin' yet (like a l0t m0re 2 c0ver..)..n then y am i still bl0gging?! haha..juz to chill a bit..
g0sh..i'm feel s0 f**k up rite n0w..u can't imagine h0w i'm feelin'..
dunn0 wut 2 babble anym0re..want 2 go n chillex a bit..(again?..haha)..
peace 0ut..;p

p/s: wish me well dear fwens!!

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